Posts tagged with "Post"

20. March 2015
I spent 4 weeks in Xela or Quetzaltenango in Guatemala where I lived in a homestay. There I took one on one Spanish lessons at El Nahual with my lovely teacher Francis. My aim was to get a good base of Spanish to work from that. I reached it thanks to my her. The following story is my first one in Spanish and I dedicated it to my lovely teacher Francis. It is not in perfect Spanish but it proves her lessons are great and I learnt a lot ;-). Well, that is what really happens when we see a...

12. February 2015
I had the urgent need to write the following post down about holding on to things and attachment. I wrote it during my stay in Oaxaca in the beautiful Alma de Café. It is a post about attachment to things and people. It’s also about facing fears and about holding a coin properly in your hand.

Me in Ireland.
27. January 2015
One year ago I left Germany, quit my job after 11 years as IT-consultant for banks and took a flight to Dublin. At that time, I just planned to go to Ireland and Canada. My aims were to find out ideas for my seminars, become more open and give people a chance, follow my heart and listen to warning signals, check out different things even if it means to leave the common path. In the last year I discovered my love for Buddhism and meditation. I went to Spain and fell in love with the country and...

28. October 2014
This post is dedicated to my brothers Mitch and Pascal. I love them a lot and I am very proud about them. I had the urgent need to write it down since I got a very lovely message from my brother Pascal on Facebook which made me cry and reminded me how useless and stupid stubbornness and pride are. I became aware about it on my journey. On my journey I changed a lot of things and thought pattern. I have to add Pascal and I had not much contact anymore when I was in Germany. Why and how I cannot...

21. September 2014
I was very happy to be in Vancouver again and at the Jericho Beach after I changed all my plans and left Vernon. I stayed for 5 days in Vancouver and everything felt great. My Yoga teacher training in Nelson (BC) would start in mid October therefore I checked out what I could do until then. I had some ideas but I also check out what my agency SWAP based in Vancouver would recommend to me. Coming back to Vancouver was just great. On the next morning after my arrival I had a nice breakfast and a...
01. July 2014
Again, it was quite close that I got the bus to Orce when Anne gave me a lift to the bus station. We just didn't watch the time during lunch. I think it becomes a ritual for me to get quite close the bus. Actually it feels in a way relieving because it is the opposite of how I was before my journey. Moreover it shows me that this way works quite well :-). In Orce I helped Alain with painting, plastering and building in his cave house which he bought in a lonely place in the mountains of Orce....
17. May 2014
I would like to share here my story with you when I met someone in Alicante who showed how easy life and joy can be and made me feel unique and happy. This post is dedicated to him. I still have a broad smile on my face if I think about this open minding and nice experience which started like this... After my strange CouchSurfing experience and checking in at the X Hostel I finally went to the beach in Alicante. There I became aware about the freedom I have. What a great feeling to go when I...
10. January 2014
My personal travel book I dedicated this post to my great family and friends who supported me every time during making my plans. I'm very happy to have them. This post documents my last days in Muenster before I finally flew to Ireland and which final preparations were necessary like: Where will I store my stuff? What to leave there? What to pack...? Anything else?