Posts tagged with "Galway"
05. May 2014
Sooo before I finally flew to Alicante a lot of interesting and funny things happened which I would like to share with you in this post. Actually, I felt really sad when I left Tara's family... After 3 weeks I felt so great at her place... However, lovely Tara brought me with her boys to the bus station in Cork where I took the bus to Kilrush. In Kilrush I attended the two days Heal Your Life workshop based on Louise Hay's philosophy. At this workshop I met four other lovely women who attended...
07. February 2014
Galway was a complete new experience for me in every way. The mirror of happiness :-) I experienced the first time CouchSurfing, nice homemade Pakistan food and what to do with the green pepper (ok it was already too late but now I know it for sure...), where the term lynch law comes from, how to call a German chef in the kitchen and about Galway's meaty water... And don't forget about the Travelers.